Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Whoa oh I want some more, whoa oh what are you waiting for?


First up, blessed birthday David Archuleta! (:
Feeling really bored nowadays so I'm YouTubing and FaceBooking everytime I come online.
I wish I didn't have to, it's quite a waste of time actually.

2011 is 3 days away.
Fast, no?
Can't believe this year passed by in a blink of an eye.

Seems as if the older I grow, the faster time flies!
So by the time I'm 67, i'll only be 67 for like 3 hours and 22 minutes before its the new year already!
Sigh. :/

This year brought me a ton of crazily awesome memories.
Met friends that I'm sure will last me my lifetime and yes, I'm indeed blessed. (:
Seems like with every passing year, I'm enjoying living this blessed life just that extra bit more.
Jesus is really blessing me truckloads, thanks Pa!

I haven't yet written my New Year's Resolution, which I should really be writing soon! xD
Oh ya, right now I'm currently hooked on beauty/makeup/haircare/fashion YouTubers.


Other than that, I YouTube Asian hawtttstuffs like:


Yup, that's exactly how I waste my time everyday now other than TV/eat/sleep.

I think I'll be starting college in January.
Guess what course I'll be taking!
I love it when people ask what course I'll be taking because their expression when I tell them is priceless.
I guess people expect me to take courses like SAM/Business/Accounting and all the ordinary ones.

But yes!
I'm extraordinary!
Chey. :P

I'm taking Foundation in Communication (most probably!)
Okay okay. I know FICM is not exactly extraordinary since loads of people take it.
I've loved writing eversince I was 11 and I knew that I wanted to take Journalism eversince.
I don't know if I'm gifted in writing but since I'm bad at every other subject, it seems as if I'm really good in writing.
Sad huh.
But I like it that way anyway. (:

Either way, I know God has a plan for me and I'll most probably be taking up this course.
I love that I know what I'll be doing but other than that, I'm still afraid.

Well, I think I've just wasted loads of time here rambling.
Off to waste some more now on YouTube.

See ya! (:

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