Friday, July 9, 2010

I search for truth and all I find is You,

Hmm, haven't been blogging, have I?


First things first,
I'm NOT supposed to be writing this right now.
I'm supposed to be upstairs in my room doing Circles and some other Maths h/w but yeah, I obviously couldn't resist the urge to blog.

A lot of things have been happening.
Yesh, I know.
Not just in my life but in everyone else's life as well.
Well, one thing I know is my life will never be the same again.
Was revamped, now am ignited.
Still don't know what I'm talking about?

I'm talking about IGNITE lah!

IGNITE happened a week ago, still felt like it was just yesterday.
Met up with my fellow SJ-ians again and I feel like holding on to each one of them and not letting go because I love them THAT much.
But you know who loves them even more?
Yeah, I know you do.
JESUS loves them and YOU and me that much!

So did you go for Rally?
Here's what happened. *for me at least.

Session One.
I got slained for the first time in my five years as a Christian.
*I got saved at twelve, (:

So yeah, I had no idea what to expect then, but let me retell from what I experienced.

I was standing in line, waiting to be prayed for by Pr. Kenneth Chin.
The girl beside me was being prayed for, so in my own words I prayed for myself.

I urged and prayed repeatedly.

Then, Pr. Kenneth laid his hand upon my head and just prayed for me.
I was crying at that time and I just felt myself fall back and I didn't hold back.
Someone caught me and laid me down on my back.
As I laid there, all voices were still audible.
I was praying for the Holy Spirit to just fill me.
I could move and yet I couldn't.
I could feel myself cry and it was surreal.
I could feel like I was half-conscious.
I could feel, His love.

And for the last Rally that I'm able to volunteer in,
I was blessed with the job of an usher.

Rally was indeed awesome.
But Jesus, You are the awesomest, above all the awesomest awesomes. (:

Spent a whole load of time screaming MUSHROOM SOUP, CHICKEN SOUP, GARLIC BREAD! over break time too.

We managed to double what we put in *if I'm not mistaken.
All we made, will be placed in the CF Fund.

Night concert.
We jumped and screamed like we were five again.
Was fun.
We took a whole load of pictures and of course, videos too.
All on Facebook.
Help yourself to a couple of minutes of hysterical laughing. (:

All in all, it was just an awesome day ,definitely well spent.
So well spent that I left my Bible, pencil case and notebook at Lakeside.
Thank God, Ivan has it.

So much nostalgicness in that ONE day.
It has definitely changed my life, much as last year's PUSH and last month's REVAMP has.
Am feeling glad.
Am feeling happy,

So here's to looking forward to the next Rally!


Oh, and I got an injection today.
One word: Owwwwwwwww.

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